Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Adventurer Camp - Leslie Dam

Adventurer Camp, Leslie Dam near Warwick.
Kids had heaps of fun, Rachel got up on Saturday morning to chase the kangaroos lol
Saturday the wind picked up, and it was quite cold. but by Sunday the wind had gone and it was lovely!
wasn't much water there. we had a nice campfire, kids cooked marshmellows on the fire. we had Jaffles cooked in the fire for dinner on Sat night.
Was a good weekend, Kids had lots of fun, adults got along really well.

Melanie Gets a Gold Award

Melanie was awarded a Gold award at school.
It reads: "This award indicates that the student's effort and behaviour have been judged to be of a consistently very high standard, reflecting pride in self and school. "

So we are Proud as Punch of her.